Allergies, Asthma, Immunological Disorders, Allergic Rhinitis, Eye Allergies, Latex Allergies, Drug Allergies, Pollen Allergies, Sinusitis, Skin Allergies, Adult Allergies, Allergic Asthma, Childhood Asthma, Exercise Induced Asthma, Non-Allergic Asthma, Occupational Asthma, Angioedema, COPD, EOE, GERD, GI Disorders, Hereditary Angiodema, Hives (Urticaria) and Nasal Polyps
Benoit Tano, MD, has dedicated his career to advancing the field of allergy and immunology. His extensive clinical experience spans over two decades, treating a diverse patient population of adults and children suffering from nasal allergies, food allergies, eczema, asthma, hives, angioedema, and related conditions. Dr. Tano completed his fellowship in Allergy and Clinical Immunology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and has held multiple prestigious professional appointments across the United States, including his current role at Allergy Associates of Hartford.
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